ISSN : 2663-2187

Consequences of High Levels of Chlorine and Cadmium on the Health of Male Albino Mice

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Khowla Sadiq Bahjat, Maytham A. Dragh
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.1.2024.41-52


Sufficient intake of protein-enriched food is essential for all to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The study targets to find out the Percentage of Protein in some available foods that are consumed daily by people of different incomes and ages. The chromatographic assay was done to explore the percentage of protein content in the food sources. Twenty-two locally available foods were selected for analysis and are prospective for people to consume to meet the protein for our bodies. All foods from animal sources contain a qualitative and quantitative percentage of protein (approximately one-fifth of each consumption), yet some plant-based food remains a low protein content. But pulses can be substantial as an alternative source to animal-based foods due to their availability and digestibility. The study also pointed out the significance of RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System) as potential fish farming technology in future. In the study, three in-house developed plant-origin foods were analyzed and contained approximately one-third of protein, which is the best option to prepare some food for nourishment. The study aims to recommend some available protein-enriched foods for our people, major selected foods in the study can be optioned based on age, sex, income and physical activity.

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