ISSN : 2663-2187

Formulation Development and Evaluation of Face Serum containing Kojic acid dipalmitate

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Khanderao R. Jadhav, Kajal A. Choursiya*, Ravina G. Jadhav, Sachin M. Nikam, Rishikesh S. Bachhav
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.13.2024. 171-210


This study aimed to develop and evaluate a face serum formulated with kojic acid dipalmitate to address hyperpigmentation and enhance skin brightness. Kojic acid dipalmitate was selected for its potent skin-lightening properties and superior stability compared to kojic acid. The formulation process involved creating a stable macroemulsion, which was then integrated into a serum base. Comprehensive evaluations were conducted, focusing on various parameters such as pH, viscosity, globule size, zeta potential, spreadability, antioxidant activity, entrapment efficiency, drug content, and in vitro release profile. The development process aimed to achieve a balance of physicochemical properties to ensure the serum's effectiveness and user-friendliness. Key attributes like pH and viscosity were meticulously controlled to maintain compatibility with skin application. The globule size and zeta potential were optimized to ensure stability and proper dispersion of the active ingredient. Spreadability tests confirmed ease of application, while antioxidant activity assessments determined the serum's potential to protect skin from oxidative damage. The serum exhibited promising physico chemical characteristics and stability, demonstrating significant potential for reducing hyperpigmentation. The sustained release properties ensured prolonged efficacy, and stability studies under various storage conditions validated the formulation's robustness. Overall, the face serum containing kojic acid dipalmitate showed potential as an effective skin-lightening agent in cosmetic skincare products, making it a valuable addition to formulations aimed at improving skin tone and reducing hyperpigmentation.

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