ISSN : 2663-2187

Impact of Herbal medication on dental caries – A Systematic Review

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Dr. Renuka.D. Sevalikar, Dr. Mayur .V. Shiralkar, Dr. Abhijit Shirkande, Pooja Dhone
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.14.2024. 213-223


Background: According to data gathered over the previous twenty years, dental caries is one of the most prevalent and serious oral health issues in the world today. Dentists also face challenges in treating this disease. Knutson's technique, which involves applying 2% neutral sodium fluoride topically to treat dental caries, is one treatment that has been used recently. However, it is time-consuming, and its efficacy is still being questioned. Other treatments include filling treatments and RCT, but these also have drawbacks. so, in this study intervention of Ayurveda and its effectiveness in this disease is summarized. Methods: We conducted a systematic search of electronic databases for randomized control trials, in vitro-in vivo experiments, unpublished data from pre-print servers, and available literature to ascertain the relative efficacy of ayurvedic drugs for dental caries. Based on PRISMA GUIDELINE for systemic review selection process based on inclusive and exclusive criteria were conducted. Risk of bias assessment done by using Cochrane Collaboration’s Risk of Bias Assessment Tool. Result: All the reviewed studies are randomized controlled trials, animal studies, and clinical trials. Among all the studies herbal medicines show a significant reduction in the symptoms than other conventional medicines. As all the other ayurvedic drugs come across during studies were also effective. Discussion: The results of this study will guide future investigations and offer valuable information to clinicians in developing the most effective Ayurvedic treatment plan for patients with dental caries.

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