ISSN : 2663-2187

A Survey of Knowledge, Attitude and Awareness regarding the denture hygiene and modes of maintaining prosthesis among complete denture wearers in the dental institute

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Dr Reecha Gupta, Dr Shagun Acharya, Dr Nitin Gautam, Dr Monica Kotwal, Dr Payal Parihar
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.2843-2872


Objective: The aim of this survey is to assess the knowledge , attitude and awareness regarding the denture hygiene practices and the prosthesis maintenance habits among completely edentulous patients. Method: Data was collected in the form of self-administered questionnaire, google forms, and face to face interviews with edentulous patients attending the OPD of the Department of Prosthodontics, IGGDC, Jammu.The study subjects were randomly selected by recruiting old denture wearers visiting the Department for a recall visit or for new dentures on the daily basis for 6 months. These patients were personally approached by and the nature and the purpose of the study was explained. The subjects were asked not to reveal their identity. The study was approved by the Institutional Ethical Committee , IGGDC Jammu. Descriptive statistics included computation of frequencies and percentages. 264 Study subjects(sample size) was calculated on the basis of prevalence of cleaning dentures that is 52.8% with margin error 6%, type I error(alpha)=0.05 and type 2 error that is(beta=0.2)by using open Epi software. Results:The results showed that a total of 264 subjects comprising the maximum subjects(41.7%) wearing dentures for not more than 6 months. Also, as per findings 48.5% of patients were seen wearing dentures while eating. 18.2% of patients (least) were seen never wearing their dentures while sleeping. 82.2% subjects were aware of the harmful effects of overnight denture wearing. 60.6% subjects told that they did not remove denture until they found it was hurting them or a bad smell related to dentures evoked them to remove it and they wore it everyday. Brushing with a dentifrice was the method of choice by 48.1% of the subjects to clean their dentures as reported in a previous study. 73.5% subjects did not use mouthwash when were asked and 26.5% used mouthwash 1-2 times /day. Conclusion: The majority of the denture wearers have limited knowledge of denture cleansing and oral hygiene practices. Hygiene habits and practices may not always present a positive correlation with the gender, and Education Level. Patients should be motivated and instructed by the dentists about denture cleansing methods, materials, and the harmful effects of overnight wearing and accumulation of microbial plaque and debris on the denture and mucosal surfaces.

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