ISSN : 2663-2187

Advancements in Minimally Invasive Dental Procedures: A Comprehensive Review

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Dr. Kamala K.A, Dr. Ashwini Rani SR, Dr. Rashmi Gangavati
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si1.2024.11-27


Minimally invasive dental procedures (MIDP) have revolutionized modern dentistry by prioritizing the preservation of natural tooth structure and enhancing patient comfort. This comprehensive review explores significant advancements in MIDP, including adhesive dentistry, air abrasion, chemo mechanical caries removal, and dental lasers. Additionally, it examines innovations in diagnostic technologies such as digital radiography, cone beam computed tomography, and intraoral scanners. Advances in dental materials, including composite resins, glass ionomer cements, and resin-modified glass ionomer cements, are discussed for their impact on MIDP. The review also highlights patient-centered approaches, such as behavioral management and preventive care, and provides clinical applications and case studies demonstrating the efficacy of minimally invasive techniques. Future directions include the integration of digital technologies and ongoing research to further enhance minimally invasive practices. The challenges of ensuring widespread access to these advanced procedures are also addressed. Overall, MIDP represents a transformative approach that significantly improves patient outcomes and promotes long-term dental health.

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