ISSN : 2663-2187

Effect of counseling on anxiety and depression among adolescents .

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Renu.s, Dr.J.C. Helen shaji, Dr sreeja I
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.875-882


Background: Adolescent depression and anxiety disorders are often associated with issues like low self-esteem, poor academic performance, interpersonal relationship difficulties, long-term mental health problems, substance abuse, and suicidal attempts. Nearly 3 million adolescents are struggling with depression and anxiety. Counselling is a process that helps individuals address and resolve their issues through various strategies and suggestions. Adolescent counselling can be an effective tool for overcoming depression and anxiety .it also intended to help adolescents make senseof theirfeelings and behaviour. Materials and Methods: This study was done onthe effect of counselingin reducinganxietyand depression among adolescents. This prospective study was conducted among 60 higher secondary adolescents recruited from St Antony’s higher secondary school through a convenient sampling technique. The standardized Beck's Anxiety and Depression Scales were used to assess depression and anxiety. Results: In the study group, most of participants have moderate depression and anxiety before intervention which declined to minor depression and anxiety after 8th week of intervention.The mean pretestanxiety score was 67.5 ± 11.5 which was decreased to 48 ± 9.5 after the intervention which was statistically significant. Conclusion This study recommends that counselling was effective in reducing anxiety and depression among adolescents.

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