ISSN : 2663-2187

Formulation, Evaluation, and Optimization of Linum Usitatissimum Mucilage-Based Atrovastatin Calcium Nanoparticles

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Shubham Shrirang Panchal, Dr. Prashant Khade, Dr. Sujit Kakade, Dr. Ashok Bhosale , Abhimanyu Nigade , Bhagwat Haralkar
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.7.1.2025.816-833


The aim of current study was to prepare Linum usitatissimum mucilage (LUM) based nanoparticles, hydrophobic drug Atrovastatin calcium as nanocarriers. Atrovastatin calcium, an antihyperlipidemic agent with poor water solubility which comes under Biopharmaceutical Classification System Class II with 12% bioavailability, was chosen for the study. The present study focuses on Preparation, Evaluation and Optimization of Nanoparticle of Poorly Water-Soluble Atrovastatin Calcium. Calcium Nanoparticle was prepared used Solvent Evaporation Technique in the articulated matrix Atrovastatin of polysaccharide fractions. Developed nanoparticles were characterized to determine the particle size, zeta potential, polydispersibility index (PDI), and entrapment efficiency (EE) were carried out. Saturation solubility and in vitro release studies were also Performed. The Results of the Formulation B2 were was also satisfying. The Particle Size of the Optimized batch was found to be 270.3nm with Zeta Potential of -27.7 mV and Entrapment Efficiency shows 84.37 % and Drug Content is 65.32 % and Percentage Drug Release was 96.3% in 12 hours. The optimized formulation B2 can be considered as promising sustained release drug delivery system of Atrovastatin Calcium.

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