ISSN : 2663-2187

The Influence of Price, Product Quality on Consumer Loyalty through Satisfaction as an Intervening Variable (Case Study on Filma Cooking Oil Consumers in Sudiang Village, Makassar City)

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Rezky Nurbakti , Muhammad Idrus Taba , Jusni , Muhammad Sobarsyah
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.15.2024.11927-11938


Cooking oil is one of the basic household needs that has many brands on the market, such as Bimoli, Tropica, Kunci Mas, Filma, Sunco, Avena, Sunrise, Fortune, and bulk oil. Each brand has its own advantages and disadvantages. Factors that influence consumer assessment of cooking oil products include price, quality, performance, and usefulness, which cause differences in loyalty to a brand. This study focuses on Filma cooking oil consumers in the Sudiang area, Makassar City, with a population of 800 consumers spread across RW I to RW IX. The research method used is a sampling study with the Proportional Area Random Sampling technique, where the area where consumers live and the proportion of Filma users in each RW are considered. The data collected is primary data, namely the results of a survey of consumers in the nine RW. Data collection was carried out through a closed questionnaire that includes two independent variables, namely price and product quality, and two dependent variables, namely consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Based on the results of the study, it is known that price, product quality, and consumer satisfaction have a significant effect on consumer loyalty, both directly and indirectly. The advice for management is to continue to understand customer needs and expectations, and improve product and service quality. In addition, it is important to review the price and promotion aspects in order to increase customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction will drive loyalty which ultimately supports the sustainability and development of the business.

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