ISSN : 2663-2187

A Protocol on Efficacy of Jalaukavacharan in Comparision to Agnikarma in Themanagement of Vatakantaka (Planter Fasciatis)

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Dr. Akhil Ashok Jaiswal, Dr. Sheetal Ashutkar
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.3000-3009


The word Vata mainly denotes movement and which is the main cause for action and Kantaka means point of a needle which is like a thorn, which becomes troublesome; which produces a sharp stinging pain. So Vatakantaka refers to a condition caused by vata characterized by a sharp stinging pain at the heel. Planter Fasciitis is occurring as result of inflammation of plantar apo neurosis at its attachment on the tuberosity of the calcaneus. It is characterized by pain, swelling in the foot. The pain is usually severe with the first step of the day or following a period of rest. Vatakantaka can be correlate with Planter fasciitis. Based on the wide use of either Jalaukavcharan or Agnikarma by Ayurveda practitioners in treating vatakantaka, Jalaukavcharan and Agnikarma can be considered as one treatment in Ayurveda. Here to find out the efficacy of Jalaukavacharan in comparison to Agnikarma in management of vatakantaka (Plantar Fasciitis) will be done. For this topic assessment will be done by clinical trial. Aim and Objectives: To Evaluate of effectiveness of Jalaukavacharan in Vatakantak in comparison with Agnikarma. Objectives: 1) To study the efficacy of Jalaukavcharan in Vatakantak. 2) To study the efficacy of Agnikarma in vatakantak. 3) To compare the efficacy of Jalaukavcharan with Agnikarma in Vatakantak. Methodology: This is a Randomized clinical trial. Approval of the study will be taken after presentation from institute’s ethics committee. Results: Observation will be noted & presented in the form of tables. Discussion will be drawn from the observations and results of individual groups and comparative statistical Analysis. A number of articles related to agnikarma, jaloukavacharan and vatakantaka ,plantar fasciitis conditions available in this region will be reviewed Conclusion: By this comparative clinical trial , prevention of progression of the vatakantaka( plantar fasciitis) can be achieved. This study helps to establish the covalent bond between the disease and its ideal treatment based on the relative predominance of dosha among them.

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