ISSN : 2663-2187

A Study On Professionalism And Pharmaceutical Care Services Provided By Pharmacists In Various Regions Of A Southern State Of India

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Dr. Malini S, Dr. B Jaykar, Dr. Santhosh M Mathews
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.10.2024.5882-5895


Pharmaceutical Care represents a change in pharmacy practice from one that is focused on medication products to one that is patient-centered and aims to achieve specific goals that enhance patients' quality of life. Pharmacists must become caregivers, communicators, decision-makers, teachers, researchers, lifelong learners, leaders, and managers in order to deliver Pharmaceutical Care. These roles will enable them to provide tailored treatment. Today, Pharmaceutical Care is a well-established idea and practice. This section will cover the various definitions of Pharmaceutical Care and related practices, as well as historical turning points in their evolution to the present, with the intention of moving on to how pharmacy education influenced their creation and application. It was a Cross sectional prospective observational study conducted with registered pharmacists. The pharmacists included from all the areas like, Government hospitals, PHCs, Private hospitals and as well as Community Pharmacies. The study was conducted in five districts, by covering rural, urban and semi urban areas. The evaluation were made based on Gender, Age group, Qualifications, Experience, Number of hours working and Number of pharmacists working in the same pharmacy and Geographic area. In all most all the cases positive response was recorded in majority of the pharmacists. Poor response was observed where pharmaceutical care was considered as just as a medication counselling service and the role of pharmacists was considered as secondary.

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