ISSN : 2663-2187

A study on seasonal diversity of Penaeid prawn in Digha coast

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Sanchita Nayak Tripathy1, Barsha Baishakhi Sahu and Angsuman Chanda
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 3635-3652


The family Penaeidae is the dominated prawn community of the coastal habitat of Digha. A study on 3583 individuals belonging to 26 different species under 8 genera of penaeid prawn, revealed seasonal variation in the relative abundance and species diversity in the present investigation. The most abundant species of penaeid prawn is Parapenaeopsis coromandolica (14.42%), followed by Metapenaeus lysianassa (13.14%), Helleropenaeopsis sculptilis (10.21%), Parapenaeopsis stylifera (8.48%), Metapenaeus brevicornis (7.17%) and Helleropenaeopsis hardwickii (5.21%). Seasonal variations in relative abundance within the species has been observed. While diversity was found to be highest in the monsoon season and appeared to be influenced by the equitability of individuals among the species, highest species richness was reported in the Digha during the monsoon and the lowest during the premonsoon. Temperature, Salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen affected positively both the abundance and the diversity of prawn in the Digha coast. Present study will be helpful to the prawn fishery managers and researchers of the study region.

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