ISSN : 2663-2187

A Study on the Impact of Rewards and Recognition on Employee Motivation

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ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.10.2024.5797-5807


The study's main goal was to find out how employee motivation is affected by rewards and recognition. The specific goals were to determine the best ways to give and receive recognition, investigate the behavioral differences between highly and poorly appreciated workers, ascertain the degree to which employee performance is improved by motivation, determine whether motivation affects both individual and organizational growth, and investigate whether employee conflicts arise emotionally as a result of rewards and recognition. For this study, a descriptive research strategy was chosen. The responders were a range of staff from the firms. The study makes clear that a number of factors affect how motivated and satisfied employees are at work. Finding a clear and positive correlation between incentives and recognition and motivation and work satisfaction was particularly noteworthy. Workplace motivation and satisfaction would therefore vary in tandem with any changes made to the incentives and recognition programs provided to staff members. This might be directly translated as follows: higher motivation and satisfaction levels are associated with better incentives and recognition, which may lead to improved performance and productivity levels. When there are significant discrepancies, particularly when it comes to emotional disputes between high achievers and low performers, the organization ought to try to reevaluate and address the issue. If the organization doesn't reevaluate this circumstance, it may have a detrimental effect on productivity and job performance as well as minority retention. Maslow's hierarchy of requirements states that in order to satisfy the higher level wants, which affect motivation, the lower level demands, including pay and perks, must first be satisfied. According to the research study, managers may use a variety of techniques to inspire their staff, but it's critical that they remember that different strategies will inspire employees in different ways. A manager must recognize and comprehend challenges in order to receive the best outcomes from a motivating plan. This necessitates acknowledging the distinct values, beliefs, and behaviors of each individual.

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