ISSN : 2663-2187

A Study the Morphological Parameters of the Eruca Sativa L Plant

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Hema Kushwaha, Dr. Kanchan Awasthi
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024.11386-11401


The current study considers two morphological characteristics those are seed germination and seedling morphology. The goal of the research is to achieve heterosis through hybridization. The following parameters were evaluated during the current investigation. Although the physical properties of these three Indian rocket variants are known to some extent and briefly discussed in this paper, they have not been extensively explored. As aresult, one of current investigation's goals wasto characterize these varieties based on morphological characteristics such as seed germination and seedling morphology. Studies of these characteristics for two consecutive years have clearly demonstrated the presence of adequate morphological variability in them. Seedling morphology was investigated by planting 200 seeds of each type in separate iron trays, filling them with uniform soil, and irrigating them at regular intervals. 100 mature seedlings of each variety and F1 intervarietal hybrids were chosen at random to investigate hypocotyl morphology. At the same time, length & breadth of cotyledons weremeasured using a division & scale. The mean cotyledon was determined by multiplying length & breadth of cotyledons.

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