ISSN : 2663-2187

Acupressure strategy to Deal with Consequences of Hemodialysis and Climatic Changes among Children Undergoing Hemodialysis

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Manar Mohammed Sayed1; Eman Sayed Ahmed2; FathiaZaky Mohamed3; AhlamBadawy Ali4
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 9505-9524


Thirst, xerostomia and interdialytic weight gain are the most frequently occurring symptoms among children undergoing hemodialysis. These symptoms may lead to dehydration, frustration and affect their quality of life. Children experience significant impairment in everyday life functioning due to anxiety related to climatic changes. Aim of the study: to investigate the effect of acupressure strategy to deal with consequences of hemodialysis and climatic changes (thirst, xerostomia, inter- dialytic weight gain and anxiety). Subject and Methods: The Research design: A Randomized controlled trial researchdesign was used in the present study. Setting: Hemodialysis unit at Assiut University Children’s Hospital. Subjects: Purposive sample of fifty children were randomly allocated to study and control groups, 25 subjects for each. Tools of data collection: The following fivetools were used to collect data 1- Data Collection Sheet to assess Personal and Medical Data. 2- Thirst Inventory Questionnaire to identify the occurrence of thirst. 3- Xerostomia Inventory (XI) to quantify the perceived xerostomia 4- Interdialytic Weight Gain (IWG) to measure the body weight during dialysis session. 5- Climate Change Anxiety Scale.

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