ISSN : 2663-2187

Adaptive Dark Channel Prior Based Dehazing Algorithm with Semantic Optimization

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R.Indumathi, V.Arunachalam, P.Jayaraj, V.Pradeepchandran
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.6.2024.7544-7559


The Dark Channel Prior (DCP) technique is popular for reducing haze in photos, but it has drawbacks such high processing costs, artificially brightening the sky, producing flickering in films, and inconsistently producing the best dehazing outcomes. To address these problems, we have devised fresh approaches to enhance the method.Prioritizing program performance, employing pre-calculated tables, and performing quick one-dimensional filtering are some of the strategies we plan to use in order to increase computation speed. We ensure the real- time processing of information by minimizing pointless computations, hence rendering our approach applicable to a multitude of domains. To further tackle the issue of over- enhancement in sky areas, we employ a particular section of the guided filter to accurately identify and preserve the sky area while avoiding overly enhancing the landscape to preserve its natural appearance. This tailored technique enhances the overall image's sharpness while preserving the sky's realism.Additionally, we address the flickering artifact problem in video processing by introducing a novel airlight update method and modifying the radius of the guided filter. The objective of these modifications is to guarantee uniformity in motion among frames, leading to more seamless transitions and dependable dehazing outcomes. Furthermore, we propose an improved airlight estimate technique to enhance the dehazing process, leading to higher-quality output and enhanced visibility under cloudy conditions. By fine-tuning ambient light estimation, our system achieves increased accuracy and consistency while eliminating haze.Overall, our new approach significantly outperforms thecompared to existing techniques, resulting in steady improvements in dehazing efficiency and processing speed. Our algorithm's enhanced features make it suitable for a variety of applications, including surveillance, monitoring, and Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), where precise decision-making and in-depth analysis depend on clear visibility..

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