ISSN : 2663-2187

Advancements in Biological Sciences Methodologies: Current Trends and Future Directions

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Anil Kumar Thandlam, Abha Vashistha,Sirigiri Joyice,Sanjeev Kumar Srivastava, Twinkle Dasari, N Rakesh
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.si2.2024.6124-6131


This study aims to explore the contemporary developments and prospects of the methodologies in biological sciences which include; high-throughput sequencing, gene editing techniques such as CRISPRCas9, bioinformatics, synthetic biology, imaging systems as well as single cell analysis. The analysis of the literature published over the last five years shows a rapid expansion of the number of papers using highthroughput sequencing as the core technique, proving its importance for genetic studies and the development of personal genomics. Utilizing the CRISPR-Cas9 target, the gene editing technique has shown diverse uses in genetic alterations, for disease replication and agricultural improvement; therapeutic progress has been reported to advance notably. The tools of bioinformatics have facilitated effective big data analysis, which in turn has provided molecular information and biomarkers essential for disease diagnosis and management. The advancements in synthetic biology include metabolic engineering for sustainable bioproduction and bioremediation; imaging and single-cell analysis have given insight into cellular processes and disease development. The integration of such methodologies emphasizes the revolutionizing potential in different biological research fields and the improvement of the estimations of intricate biological networks and scientific advancements.

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