ISSN : 2663-2187

Advances in Cardiopulmonary Physiotherapy: Improving Patient Outcomes

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Dr. T. Poovishnu Devi , Dr. S. Anandh, Dr. Vaishali Jagtap
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.1632-1647


Cardiopulmonary physiotherapy plays a critical role in managing and improving outcomes for patients with respiratory and cardiac conditions. This comprehensive review explores the historical development, current techniques, technological innovations, and evidence-based practices in the field. It highlights the impact of interventions such as breathing exercises, chest physiotherapy, pulmonary rehabilitation, and inspiratory muscle training on respiratory function, exercise capacity, and quality of life. The review also addresses the challenges and limitations faced in practice, including access to care, patient adherence, and resource constraints, and discusses strategies to overcome these barriers. Special considerations for pediatric, geriatric, and comorbid populations are examined, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches. Future directions in cardiopulmonary physiotherapy include advancements in personalized medicine, artificial intelligence, wearable technology, virtual and augmented reality, and tele-rehabilitation. By integrating these innovations and focusing on patient-centered care, healthcare providers can enhance the effectiveness and accessibility of physiotherapy services, ultimately improving patient recovery and quality of life. This review underscores the importance of continuous research, multidisciplinary collaboration, and the adoption of evidence-based practices to advance the field of cardiopulmonary physiotherapy.

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