ISSN : 2663-2187

An Analysis of Extrasensory Perceptions in Indian Philosophy

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Anvita Singh, Ankit Sharma, Nikku Yadav
ยป doi: 10.48047/AF5BS.6.7.2024.1650-1658


Parapsychological experiences, also known as siddhis, are among the diverserange of human experiences documented since ancient times across different cultures and regions. Findings and hypotheses from research in this fieldcontribute to philosophical discussions regarding the concepts of time,causality, and information, and their relevance to the debate on free willversus determinism. In this article, we offer a comprehensive review of thetheoretical perspectives on extrasensory perception found in four traditionalIndian texts. Classical Indian literature extensively discusses the varioustypes of siddhis. We analyze this Indian literature given parapsychology. Thepsi ability is in the form of siddhis or supernatural power attained by apractitioner during their practice of sadhana. Although siddhis are not the ultimate goal of sadhana, the manifestation of siddhis validates the practice.These siddhis are termed as various kinds of extrasensory perceptions inparapsychology.

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