ISSN : 2663-2187

An Analysis of Trade Secret Regimes in Asian States & USA

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Dr. Manisha Madhav, Dr. Papiya Golder, Ms. Maitrayae Sadhu, Dr. Keshav Madhav
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.3344-3354


Today is an era of globalization and innovation. Not only the developed states but also the developing states are into race to compete in technology-based innovation, build their economies at a much faster pace and attract more investments into their jurisdictions. One of the ways to achieve this goal is through having strong IP protection laws. If the state is having sui generis protection in IP laws, then more companies may end up investing their funds leading to increase in the state’s economy. Among other IP laws like copyright, trademark, Patents and others, Trade secrets law is an emerging area which attracts foreign investors majorly in case they do not want to opt for other protection like patents which require more funding and where the protection is time bound. So, in such cases they look forward for protection like trade secret law which provides protection till the time the owner can keep the valuable information secret. This paper explains the trade secret regime in different Asian jurisdictions and their comparison with the USA trade secret protection

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