ISSN : 2663-2187

An Examination of Impact of Cloud Computing and Kubernetes on Data Availability: An Empirical Approach

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Satish Batrel , Dr. Ashwini Brahme , Jyoti Gaikwad
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.1792-1796


In this paper, we’re taking a close look at how Cloud Computing and Kubernetes can ramp up data accessibility. With more and more businesses turning to cloud-based solutions and starting to use container orchestration systems like Kubernetes, it’s crucial to get a handle on what this means for data availability. We’re weighing up the good and the bad of both Cloud Computing and Kubernetes when it comes to making sure data is available, focusing on things like scalability, how they handle faults, and data replication. We’ve gone through a heap of research papers and academic theses to get a clear picture of where each technology shines and where it falls short in meeting data availability needs. The knowledge we’ve gained from this deep dive helps us better understand the part Cloud Computing and Kubernetes play in making sure data is reliable and easy to access, which in turn helps businesses make smart decisions about how they manage their data.

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