ISSN : 2663-2187

An institutional study evaluating the severity and outcomes of acute appendicitis in relation to the duration of pre-hospitalization symptoms

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Dr. Imran Thariq Ajmal 2. Dr. Felix Anand Raj 3. Dr. Shahid Ibrahim 4. Dr. Pavithra Selvam*
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 9965-9979


INTRODUCTION: Acute appendicitis is a frequently seen emergency in our General Surgery practice. Laparoscopy offers the benefit of a thorough inspection of the entire abdomen and improved assessment of the progression of the condition. Nevertheless, contingent upon. In cases where the condition is really severe, a conversion to open conventional surgery may be necessary. The chance of conversion to open surgery increases as the time period before hospitalization lengthens. The objective of this study is to evaluate the seriousness and progression of acute appendicitis based on the duration of time before hospitalization. METHODOLOGY: This study encompassed all cases that presented with acute appendicitis and met our specific criteria for inclusion and exclusion. A comprehensive history, particularly regarding the timing of the initial symptom, is obtained. The duration of symptoms experienced by the patient before arriving at the hospital and the time taken from arrival at the hospital until

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