ISSN : 2663-2187

An Interpretive Study of Digital Media Laws and Social Media Content

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Dr. Abhishek K. Singh
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.188-193


Digital media is a vital mode of communication in the present era of media technology. Almost every person in society is connected to the digital networks of social communication. It’s very obvious that communication plays a very crucial role in the development of society and people’s opinions. The digital media offer a new world, a new way of thinking, and a new way of communication for the dissemination of information to have a quality growth in the social atmosphere. Similarly, online media such as various social media sites must therefore have ethical guidelines on how Internet users should behave or communicate with each other. The way people communicate is not the same as social media communication in real life, which sometimes leads to legal issues and concerns. The present study mainly focuses on the law and ethics related to digital media content and its significance in the present scenario. The research methodology used in the present study is mainly based on primary data. Some secondary data has also been used to support the analysis of media content.

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