ISSN : 2663-2187

Analysing the Significance of Work-Family Life Balance: A Study on Delhi Police

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Aishwarya, Dr. Hunny Matiyani, Dr. Deepak Raj Rao G.
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.10.2024.5675-5689


Work-family conflict is a significant challenge faced by constables and head constables within the law enforcement sector. This study explores the experiences of both female and male officers in balancing their professional commitments and family responsibilities. The analysis of data reveals a moderate level of work-family conflict among constables and head constables, highlighting the complexities they encounter in managing their work and family domains. The findings emphasise the impact of societal expectations, role overload, gender biases, and limited supportive resources on work-family conflict. Female officers often struggle with conflicting expectations, navigating the demands of their law enforcement roles while fulfilling caregiving responsibilities. Male officers face pressure to prioritise work obligations over family commitments due to traditional gender norms. Both genders experience the challenges of role overload, as the demanding nature of law enforcement roles and exposure to stress contribute to conflicts in achieving work-life balance. Addressing these challenges requires a comprehensive approach. Implementing gender-sensitive policies, such as flexible work arrangements and family support programs, can provide constables and head constables with the necessary resources to manage their work and family responsibilities effectively. Fostering a supportive organisational culture that values work-life balance, providing leadership training, and addressing gender biases are essential steps toward reducing work-family conflict. Promoting gender equality within the law enforcement sector and collaborating with external stakeholder’s further support efforts to alleviate work-family conflict. By implementing these measures, organisations can create an inclusive and supportive work environment that enhances the overall well-being, job satisfaction, and performance of constables and head constables. In conclusion, this study underscores the significance of work-family conflict among constables and head constables, highlighting the need for tailored interventions to address the challenges faced by officers in balancing their professional and family roles. The findings contribute to the development of strategies that promote work-life integration and foster a supportive environment within the law enforcement sector.

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