ISSN : 2663-2187

Analysis of Climate Variability in Market Prices of Corn and Panela in Two Municipalities of The Department of Nariño

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Guerrero Pérez, Diana María, Martínez Criollo, William Jesús
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.8.2024.1011-1024


This study explores the effect of climate variability on corn and panela prices in two municipalities in the department of Nariño; Precipitation and temperature series from 4 IDEAM meteorological stations were analyzed during the period 2008 – 2018 in the municipalities of El Tambo and Sandoná. Based on the exploratory data analysis, a characterization of the variables was carried out for their treatment and identification of atypical values presumably linked to climate variations and speculative market structures

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