ISSN : 2663-2187

Analysis of the Delhi Development Authority Housing Scheme: Trends, Impacts, and Recommendations

Main Article Content

Shweta Sharma, Monali Wankar, Rashmi Ashtt
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.4130- 4146


The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) housing schemes are among the major housing schemes for affordable housing in Delhi. Currently, DDA is building houses for different socio-economic groups for doing business in Delhi. The urban development of Delhi householding is not stagnant at the moment. This article provides a detailed description of the DDA housing schemes before giving the author’s opinion and a conclusion. To initiate this study, the researcher gives a detailed description of DDA housing schemes and their implications, implementation, and effects. This research also utilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data from DDA reports, government statistics, and surveys with qualitative data from interviews with those who benefit from DDA housing schemes and their professional experts’ opinions. Some of the key findings highlight the beneficiaries’ socio-economic progress witnessed through improved access to education, healthcare, and employment. Post-allocation, the employment rate among beneficiaries increased from 60 percent to 75 percent; additionally, access to education and healthcare improved by 30 percent and 30.7 percent respectively. GIS mapping makes it evident that a majority of the ground-plus-two and eldercitizen-friendly housing units were evenly disseminated amongst all the zones of Delhi. However, in some areas in the east and west zones, it could be observed that essential amenities like medical infrastructures and public transport were lacking.

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