ISSN : 2663-2187

Analysis of the Effect of Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention on Customer Advocacy (Case Study of Milk Product by Mixue in Malang City)

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Hermawan Syafrizal Wahyu Nurdiantoro*, Rosihan Asmara, Dwi Retno Andriani
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 9814-9827


This study examines the effect of Brand Awareness on Purchase Intention and the effect of Purchase Intention on Customer Advocacy among Mixue consumers in Malang City. Using a purposive sampling method, the study involved 174 respondents collected through online questionnaires and analyzed using SEM-PLS (WarpPLS). The results showed that Brand Awareness does not have a significant effect on Purchase Intention with a significance level of 1%, indicating that brand awareness is less influential compared to perceived value in influencing purchase intentions. Conversely, Purchase Intention has a significant effect on Customer Advocacy with a significance level of 58%. However, the jingle proved to be a significant moderating variable between Brand Awareness and Purchase Intention, strengthening the influence of brand awareness on purchase intention when consumers have heard or are aware of the Mixue jingle. This study provides important insights for Mixue's marketing strategy, especially in utilizing jingles to increase purchase intention and customer advocacy.

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