ISSN : 2663-2187


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ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.1170-1177


The purpose of this research study is to objectively examine the pernicious problem of animal cruelty in India, a subject with important ramifications for animal welfare and rights. Animal abuse and cruelty incidents in India are still shockingly common despite the country's extensive legislative framework, which includes the Wildlife Protection Act of 1972, the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960, and "sections 428 and 429 of Indian Penal Code 1860." This essay aims to investigate the factors that might lead to such misuse, concentrating on problems such a lack of enforcement, public perceptions, and legal loopholes. It will also look at the effects of this kind of mistreatment on the animals themselves as well as the larger effects on the environment and society. This article will present ideas for enhancing animal welfare in India and offer a thorough overview of animal maltreatment in the nation using a combination of legal analysis, case study evaluation, and statistical data assessment. The results of this study may add to the current discussion on animal rights in India. Fostering critical thinking, expanding legal study, and advancing justice and fairness are all goals of this research.

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