ISSN : 2663-2187

Anticariogenic Efficacy Of Herbal And Conventional Toothpaste

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Samudhrasri S,Geetha R V,Lakshmi Thangavelu
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.7.2024.C


INTRODUCTION: Dental caries is one of the commonest infectious microbial diseases of the world since ages and has an increased incidence in recent past due to drastic changes in lifestyle habits. Considering the overflowing number of the brands of numerous herbal toothpastes in the market, the efficacy of these toothpastes in controlling the bacterial count has to be scientifically analyzed.Thus the aim of the study is to evaluate the anticariogenic efficacy of herbal and conventional toothpaste. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mueller Hinton Agar was utilized for this activity to determine the zone of inhibition. Mueller Hinton agar was prepared and sterilized for 15 minutes at 121°C.The toothpaste with different concentrations (25μL, 50 μL ,100 μL) were loaded and in the fourth well standard antibiotic amoxyrite was loaded. The plates were incubated for 24 hours at 37°C. After the incubation time the zones of inhibition were measured. RESULTS: The results observed were that the zone of inhibition was more with the sample containing miswak and soundarya prasadak (herbal composition - 20mm) than the sample containing fluoride (18mm) and black pepper (19mm). CONCLUSION: The results of the study conclude that the herbal toothpastes have a slightly better antibacterial activity compared to the conventional tooth pastes. These traditional methods have numerous other claims also which are of great benefit for health.

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