ISSN : 2663-2187

Antifungal Effect of Curcumin on Morphogenesis and Secretion of Hydrolytic Enzymes in Candida species

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Neelofar Khan1*,†,Aftab Hossain Mondal2,†, Nasim Akhtar Ansari3, Nida Khanam1
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 3298-3311


In the present study antifungal activity of curcumin was systematically explored against several Candida isolates including its effect on morphogenesis and other pathogenicity factors. The clear zone of inhibition across the disc containing curcumin showed antifungal activity which further evaluated by microdilution method. Curcumin showed average sensitivity index 3.12 mm/mg and minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) varied from 250 to 550 μg/mlagainst different Candida isolates. Curcumin also found to be effective for inhibition of proteinase and phospholipase secretion in C. albicans. Proteinase secretion was decreased by 17.4% and 34.0% at MIC (×0.25) and MIC (×0.50) concentration respectively. Similar concentrations also reduced phospholipase secretion by 16.1% and 27.2%.One of the most crucial pathogenicity attribute of Candida is to undergo yeast to hyphal transition. Dimorphic transition at 300 min in the C. albicans was 23% and 63% at MIC (×0.25) and MIC (×0.50) of curcumin as compared to control 86% transition. The results of present study suggest that curcumin can significantly inhibit growth, proteinase, phospholipase secretion and hyphal transition in C. albicans.

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