ISSN : 2663-2187

Approaches for New Product Development in Biotechnology: An Empirical Study on Problem Inventory Analysis

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Dr. Meena Rao, Dr. Parul Chaudhary, Dr. Amina Jafri, Dr. Mohd. Shaikhul Ashraf
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.6.2024.6661-6669


In biotechnology, Problem Inventory Analysis (PIA) is an essential tool for New Product Development (NPD), particularly in India's dynamic market. This method entails methodically recognising and classifying consumer problems in order to generate creative solutions. India's heterogeneous population and different geographical demands need for customised biotech solutions. In order to comprehend customer pain concerns across many industries, including agriculture, healthcare, and environmental biotechnology, PIA starts with comprehensive market research. Genetically engineered crops or environmentally friendly pesticides can be developed as a result of PIA highlighting problems in agriculture, such as decreased agricultural yields brought on by pests or illnesses. In the medical field, it can reveal gaps in accessible treatment options, spurring the development of more economical diagnostic instruments or vaccinations. By tackling pollution control and waste management concerns, environmental biotechnology can help spur the development of sustainable bioremediation approaches. It is imperative to focus on scalable, sustainable solutions, collaborate with regional research institutes, and take use of government programmes like Made in India.

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