ISSN : 2663-2187


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Permanasari, P.N.1, Widaryanto, E.2, Wicaksono, K.P.3*, Prayogo, C.4
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 10186-10200


Coffee plants are generally shade-grown and most varieties are naturally intolerant of direct sunlight (shade loving). At the research site, Arabica coffee pine agroforestry management is divided into four groups, ranging from least to most intensive: Low Coffee (LC), Medium Coffee (MC), High Coffee (HC), and Best Management Practice (BMP). In LC, MC, and HC, the density of pine as a shade tree is almost twice higher than in BMP. In addition, in LC, HC and MC management, coffee plants are not pruned well. Prunning however conducted in 2021 by leaving 50 cm of main stem (full stumping) in LC, MC and HC. The research aim to determine which is better on growth and yield of Arabica coffee between BMP, HC, MC and LC in pre- and post-rejuvenation. The research set in Randomly Block Desain with agroforestry management is the factor to compare. In each agroforestry, observations were made on three replications with an area of 4 m x 5 m, each replication consist of four Arabica coffee plants. The result of this research are BMP show the best growth of Arabica coffee Lini S-795 under pre-rejuvenation conditions. After being rejuvenated for 3 years, HC produced the best growth compared to MC and LC. In general, HC post rejuvenation has achieved a growth of about 49.42% when compared to BMP. HC is capable of producing 40.93% of the number of productive branches, 51.74% of the number of productive nodes, 63.73% of the number of fruit bunches per node, and 41.28% of the number of fruits per branch compared to the results obtained by BMP management. By knowing the components that most influence Arabica coffee yields through PCA, correlation and regression analysis, the variables secondary branch length, secondary internode length, number of secondary nodes, number of productive branches and number of productive nodes should be concerned by agroforestry managers to increase yields. Its also inform us that the coffee pine agroforestry system is able to support the regrowth of full stumping pruned coffee with shade cover of 54-72% in LC, MC and HC. The best growth and yield of Arabica coffee is produced by the most intensively managed agroforestry, BMP (before rejuvenation) and HC (after rejuvenation).

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