ISSN : 2663-2187

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Socio-Cultural Management – A systematic review of AI’s effect on decision-making

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Dr. Abhishek K. Singh, Dr.AparajitaModak, Prof.(Dr.) Tej Narayan Ojha, Dr Roushan Kumar, Ms.Pragati Kapoor
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.2316-2327


Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to have a significant impact on culture and social management for effective decision-making, both in the way people create and consume digital data and media and in the way people interact with each other. As artificial intelligence continues to evolve and become more common in our lives, it is important to explore how it can affect civilisation and take steps to ensure that the benefits of this technology are widely disseminated.For effective use of data and information, social parameters such as business and politics are certainly using AI applications to forecast issues and challenges and make effective plans for growth; therefore, it’s very crucial to mention that AI can be used as a very effective tool of decision-making. One of the most important ways AI influences culture is through the creation and consumption of data. AI-based influences are increasingly being used to create a wide range of socio-cultural transformations. The paper mainly deals with the demonstration of AI-based socio-cultural management and decision-making for the constructive growth of society. The present paper effectively concluded that AI can certainly disseminate digital knowledge of socio-cultural changes and transform the growth of new public opinion and perception for better planning and decision making.

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