ISSN : 2663-2187

Assessing the Adequacy of Contemporary Life and Earth Textbook in Morocco: A Case Study of Blood Glucose Regulation

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» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 8576-8589


Blood glucose homeostasis is a fundamental concept in biology. Yet, in the Moroccan education system, it is only covered in the 11th grade. This might explain why the majority of students struggle to understand this complex notion. Fingers of blame are also pointed to textbooks and how they didactically (mis)transposed this knowledge from its academic form to its teachable one. In fact, the significance of textbooks in education is indisputable. Hence, analyzing them may provide insights on students (mis)conceptions. In this study, we aim to critically analyze the sections on blood glucose regulation in two widely-used Life and Earth Sciences textbooks in Morocco, intended for students enrolled in the experimental sciences track. To do so, the present study follows the findings and recommendations of the intriguing systematic review of literature by Vojíř & Rusek (2019) which urges for the need for science textbooks research in different local contexts around the globe. In the same vein, the absence of such research in the Moroccan context makes this study an obligation. Methodologically, this study adopted Bernard et al’s.,(2007) contrastive approach. According to our findings, the juxtaposition of these two textbooks reveals several shortcomings, errors, and inconsistencies. By taking the didactic transposition of blood glucose homeostasis into the heart of its exploration, this study –though rooted in its Moroccan context- advocates for a wider applicability of its findings.

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