ISSN : 2663-2187

Assessment of Carabidae Diversity (Coleoptera) in the Guelmim Oued Noun Region (Southern Morocco)

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Khalihana H’MAIDA, Loubna Rachidi, Mohammed Fekhaoui, Harold Labrique, Lahoucine Brini
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.15.2024.6304-6317


This study involved the collection, sorting, and identification of Carabidae in eight stations, employing two sampling methods: beating and visual hunting. A total of 15 species belonging to ten tribes and six subfamilies were inventoried. The study reveals that the ecological diversity of the Carabidae beetle population can vary over time and space due to several factors such as seasonal variations, altitude, changes in habitat structure, environmental impacts, and climate change. Therefore, it is crucial to consider these factors when investigating Carabidae diversity to fully comprehend the mechanisms governing the spatial and temporal variation of these populations.

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