ISSN : 2663-2187

Assessment of the influence of Groundnut (Arachis Hypogaea L.) Canopy Architecture on Rust Disease Dynamics during Kharif Season

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Ankita Mukhopadhyay Biswas1*, Srikanta Das2, Saon Banerjee3
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 8274-8278


A field investigation was carried out at the Agricultural Instructional Farm’, BCKV, Jaguli, Nadia, West Bengal, West Bengal for the Kharif season in 2015 to study the macroclimate and canopy architecture inter-relationship and their impact on Rust disease incidence of groundnut. The rust disease of groundnuts is considered as the major foliar disease of groundnuts. The results showed that the incidence of Rust had different significant (CD>0.05) effects on the both Spanish and Virginia-type varieties of Groundnut. In general, the Spanish variety was shown to have a greater disease severity, and the flatbed seeding method, when paired with larger nitrogen dosages, exacerbated disease severity even more. According to field tests conducted in 2015. Many morphological features had a dynamic impact on the severity of the illness, and macroclimatic and microclimatic factors such as humidity, temperature, and rainfall were important. The study emphasizes the importance of canopy architectural factors in determining the dynamics of foliar diseases in groundnut farming.

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