ISSN : 2663-2187

Bilateral or vertex frontoparietal epidural hematoma: surgical approach and therapeutic recommendations. Proposal for the subdivision of epidural hematomas by their location.

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Dr Philippe E. Alexander Katz Vigerie , Dr Carlos Argüelles Alcántara , Dr. Samuel Alexander Katz Peña
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.8.2024.2523-2533


75% or more of epidural hematomas are of temporary location with lesion of the middle meningeal artery, being an acute hematoma of rapid progression and high transoperative bleeding, however, it can occur in other locations with greater relevance in the posterior fossa and in the frontoparietal region with bleeding mainly from venous sinuses and that poses a surgical challenge to preserve these structures and minimize transoperative bleeding

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