ISSN : 2663-2187

Biological resources and rights of farmers

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Arun Kumar Rajora, Sumit
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.3014-3037


In the intricate web of intellectual property (IP) law, biological resources and the rights of farmers are intertwined threads. Understanding how these resources, encompassing everything from plants and animals to microorganisms, are protected and utilized within the legal framework is crucial for ensuring both environmental sustainability and equitable benefits for farmers. This research paper delves into the diverse landscape of biological resources, analysing their classification and coverage under various IP regimes. By exploring the legalities surrounding access to and utilization of these resources, we aim to illuminate the potential benefits that accrue to farmers. Through concrete examples, the paper will showcase how the legal framework, when effectively implemented, can empower farmers to share in the economic gains generated from the use of their knowledge and resources. Ultimately, this research seeks to contribute to a legal landscape that fosters innovation in agriculture while safeguarding the rights and livelihoods of those who steward our biological heritage – the farmers.

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