ISSN : 2663-2187


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Dr. Lakshmi S, Dr.K.Prakash, Dr.A.Thandauthapani
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.8.2024.2745-2751


Brand is a symbol and term used to identify the goods and services of one seller from those of other competitors. The actual battle in the market is not between the companies but between the brands under the same company. When one company introduce new brand in the same product line and hence try to cover each and every market segment for that product line. When two brand in the same product line, offered by same player target the same market segment and compete with each other by6 eating away the market share without adding any value to the marketer. This fact is named cannibalism. This paper outlines the way it happens, its impact and the possibility of its uses as a marketing tool.

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