ISSN : 2663-2187

Carbs-Derived Spiro barbiturates And Their Biological Activities

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Pravin K. Gaidhane, Mahesh K. Gaidhane Sharda A. Ishwarkar Kavita R. Pandey, Kushal R. lanjewar and Ajay M. Ghatole
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.15.2024.11679-11690


By using Biltz and Wittek method, the Malonic acid condensed readily with ureas-1 to yield barbituric acids 2 which on bromination give 5,5-dibromobarbituric acids 3. On the reaction of compound 3 with α-D-glucose (sheme-1) and α-D-galactose (scheme-2) afforded 2,3-α-D glucopyrano-1,4-dioxo-7,9-diaza-spiro[4, 5]deca-6,8,10 triones 4a and 2, 3-α-D-galactopyrano-1, 4-dioxo-7, 9 diaza-spiro[4,5]deca-6,8,10-triones 4a respectively. The structures of the products have been assigned on the basis of 1H NMR, 13C NMR, FAB-MS, optical activity and elemental analysis. The title compounds are found to have antibacterial and antifungal activities.

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