ISSN : 2663-2187


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K.Gunasundari Dr.P Pon Meenakshi , Dr.V.Suresh kumar , Dr.A.Arun
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.7.2024.3075-3086


Teleshopping networks emerged in India during the mid-1990s but gained significant traction in the early 2000s. These networks introduced products through infomercials, often featuring exaggerated claims and testimonials. Despite initial skepticism, teleshopping gained popularity as consumers showed interest in innovative products. However, what attracted the most attention was the nature of the products offered by these networks. Most of the infomercials featured products that claimed to provide miraculous results. There were products that could help you lose weight and get in shape without exercise or dieting. There were other products that promised to make people quit smoking and improve posture. The product range included creams, potions, solutions, toys, etc. Analysts questioned the reliability of such personal care products that claimed to beautify and tone the body within days. They considered these infomercials, which show ordinary people using the product and explaining its effectiveness, farcical. They claimed that these people were paid to speak well of the products. Analysts have criticized teleshopping networks for trying to trick viewers into buying products they believe they have actually used. Despite these allegations,

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