ISSN : 2663-2187

Characterization of olive cultivation in arid environments: A case study of Biskra, Algeria.

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Samira Khamkhoum, Hassina Hafida Boukhalfa
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024.1440-1465


This study delves into the intricacies of olive cultivation in arid regions, 54 farmers surveyed in the field. Comprehensive investigations were conducted covering farmers' profiles, orchard attributes, challenges in olive production, and marketing strategies for olive products. The agricultural diversity found among Biskra and northern farmers contributes significantly to the overall agricultural landscape. The majority of orchards were established between 2000 and 2004 as part of the National Agricultural Development Plan. Farmers, aiming to enhance crop yields, employ intensive planting systems, according the farmers responses the most common olive varieties in our study area are Chemlal and Sigoise, although the indigenous 'Biskria' variety is said to have great potential for adaptability and production. Labor shortages and simultaneous olive and date palm seasons complicate harvesting. Furthermore, farmers' misconceptions about olive ripeness and oil content persist, impacting harvesting decisions. The absence of oil processing facilities further steers farmers towards harvesting table olives instead of focusing on oil production. We recommend tailored training programs, enhanced knowledgesharing platforms, increased research efforts to understand farmer motivations better and address inadequate planning and management skills through targeted training

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