ISSN : 2663-2187

Chronic Pain Management: Evidence-Based Physiotherapy Interventions

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Dr. Sandeep Shinde, Dr. Shraddha Mohite, Dr. Omkar Somade
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.1605-1631


Chronic pain is a complex condition that significantly impacts individuals' quality of life, requiring comprehensive management strategies. Physiotherapy plays a vital role in this context, offering a range of evidence-based interventions. This review highlights key physiotherapy approaches, including exercise therapy, manual therapy, electrotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and patient education and self-management. Exercise therapy and manual therapy are essential for improving physical function and reducing pain through targeted activities and hands-on techniques. Electrotherapy modalities, such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) and ultrasound, provide additional pain relief. CBT addresses psychological aspects, helping patients develop effective coping strategies. Education and self-management empower patients, promoting adherence and long-term success. Future directions emphasize personalized and precision physiotherapy, leveraging genetic and biomarker research, and integrating technology like telehealth and wearable devices. Multidisciplinary approaches, combining physiotherapy with medical, psychological, and social support, are crucial for holistic care. Addressing barriers such as patient misconceptions, fear, and limited access to care remains essential for optimizing treatment outcomes. By embracing innovative research and collaborative care models, physiotherapy can significantly enhance chronic pain management, improving patients' quality of life.

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