ISSN : 2663-2187

Clinical Importance of StapaniMarmawsr to Frontal Sinus and Falx Cerebri.

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Pramod Borghare, Dr Megha Tidke, Dr Praveena Nair, Dr Disha Amar Methwani, Dr.PiyushPardhekar, Dr.Sonika Pandey
ยป doi: org/10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024.508-520


Marma points in Ayurveda are vital areas on the body where subtle life energy (prana) flows and intersects. Among these, the Stapani Marma is notably significant, situated at the junction of the frontal bone, coronal suture, and sagittal suture on the head. This Marma holds high clinical importance due to its proximity to critical anatomical structures such as the frontal sinus and the falx cerebri. In conclusion,1 the Stapani Marma's clinical significance concerning the frontal sinus and falx cerebri is substantial in Ayurveda. This Marma serves as a gateway for the flow of prana, impacting various bodily functions. Disturbances in the Stapani Marma1 can lead to a range of health issues, from sinus-related problems to cognitive impairments. By utilizing Ayurvedic therapies, yoga, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments, individuals can address imbalances in the Stapani Marma, promoting overall health and vitality. Understanding and honoring the significance of the Stapani Marma in Ayurveda is a step towards holistic well-being and a deeper connection to the body's innate intelligence.3

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