ISSN : 2663-2187

Coagulase Negative Staphylococci - Contaminants / Opportunistic Pathogens

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RamachandiranRamamoorthi1,2, Kesavaram Padmavathy3*, Alexander Kiruthiga4, JebadassJasmineVinshia5
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 9937-9950


Coagulase- negative Staphylococci (CoNS) though regarded as normal flora of skin, have recently gained a remarkable importance as nosocomial pathogen causing wide range of infections from skin and soft tissues to systemic blood stream infections. The ability of these bacteria to adhere stubbornly on various devices being biofilm formers, giving the treatment plan is strenuous. These bacteria are also appeared to exhibit several virulent attributes such as haemolysin, protease, DNase, lipase, capsule, haemagglutination, lipoteichoic acid, production of β-lactamase and formation of biofilm considering them as an inevitable clinical pathogen in healthcare facilities. Nevertheless, considering its mere existence on the skin surface of debilitated individuals and patient with implants and other artificial prosthesis, their immunity and virulence of these bacteria cannot be simply obsoleted and clinicians must give more insights and treat them as opportunistic pathogens.

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