ISSN : 2663-2187

Collection conditions and processing of pig blood plasma to improve the growth performance and immune response of piglets

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Nguyen Xuan Huy, Kieu Thi Huyen, Tran Vinh Phuong, Tran Nguyen Ngoc, Nguyen Quang Linh
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.7.2024.2775-2787


Our research on using plasma as a supplementary food source in livestock and aquaculture was conducted with the utmost rigour. Swine blood samples were collected from abattoirs and meticulously analysed for protein compositions and other factors. 180 samples were collected and analysed for Albumin, Globulin, Hemoglobin, and immune responses. The study also determined the influence of NaCl, pH, and citrate phosphate on Iron Fe++ for processing the plasma to store and apply for animal feed supplements. The results, which were obtained through a comprehensive and systematic process, show that NaCl, pH, citrate and phosphate were all the optimal anticoagulation times and temperatures, ultrasonic violet ray (UV) for blood to make plasma and mean differences, relative difference (%) and 95% confidence interval for the mean difference are given for each value. Using citrate and phosphate buffers for conservation and storing the plasma in power also helped Fe to remain well. Temperature and ultraviolet irradiation influenced spray dry plasma's storage and quality (SDP). Suckling piglet diets contained 2% SDP to improve immune response to resistance by IgM, P < 0.05 from 14 – 21 days old.

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