ISSN : 2663-2187

Comparative Analysis of Traditional and Modern Training Techniques in Physical Education

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Dr.Ch.Hari MohanDr A. Kaleemulla, Dr K Sunil Kumar
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.44-51


This study conducts a comparative analysis of traditional and modern training techniques in physical education to understand their efficacy in fostering physical fitness and skill development among high school students. Traditional techniques, characterized by structured drills and repetitive exercises, are juxtaposed against modern methods that incorporate technology, gamification, and a more holistic approach to student engagement and health. The research utilizes a mixed-methods approach, employing both quantitative measures of physical outcomes and qualitative feedback from participants and educators. Initial findings suggest that while traditional techniques excel in developing specific skill sets and discipline, modern approaches are more effective in promoting sustained student engagement and overall physical well-being. This paper discusses the implications of these findings for curriculum development and pedagogical strategies in schools, aiming to optimize physical education programs to meet contemporary educational goals and health standards. The study underscores the importance of adaptive teaching methods that integrate the strengths of both traditional and modern techniques to enhance the educational impact of physical education.

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