ISSN : 2663-2187

Comparison of Digital and Conventional Impression Systems in Dentistry

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Dayanara Cecilia Burbano Pijal, Nahim Fernando Tito García, Leo Daniel Cabascango Perugachi
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.8.2024.734-739


Dental impressions are a tool widely used by the current dentist, they allow us to take a record, or impression of the patient's mouth, with the aim of carrying out a treatment plan, diagnosis or dental appliances, dental impressions could be classified into conventional or traditional technique and digital technique, the first is a technique used since approximately the end of the 18th century, today thanks to the advances in dentistry it has been possible to develop a technique that allows the dentist to interact with technology, we are talking about the technique digital, this is first used around 1970 by Dr. François Duret who is considered the father of modern dentistry

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