ISSN : 2663-2187

Comprehensive Management of Odontoma Cases: Retrospective Analysis

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Khawlan Al khawlani, Mazen Altagar
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024. 1486-1494


This article offers a retrospective analysis of odontoma cases treated at Cyprus Health and Social Sciences University Polyclinics, specifically in collaboration between the Oral and Maxillofacial, and Orthodontic Departments. The study aims to evaluate the prevalence, clinical characteristics, and various treatment modalities utilized for odontomas within the university setting to mitigate post oper ative complications. Patient demographics, radiographic findings, surgical interventions, and postoperative outcomes will be thoroughly examined. Notably, the research will provide additional insights into the multidisciplinary approach adopted by universi ty polyclinics, shedding light on effective treatment strategies and patient outcomes in managing odontogenic tumors. It is worth mentioning that the study will also explore cases where odontomas were found in proximity to the mental foramen, contributing a nuanced understanding of these incidents within the university's clinical context.

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