ISSN : 2663-2187


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Dr. Mrudula Kulkarni, Dr. Vitthal Chamwad
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.10.2024.6138-6147


According to Acharya Charaka, Garbha is the Samyoga of Shukra, Shonita, and Jeeva (Atma) within the Kukshi. According to Acharya Sushrut, Garbha is a combined state of Shukra and Shonita in the Garbhashaya, intermixed with Prakritis (Mula-Prakriti and its eight categories) and Vikaras (her sixteen modifications) and ridden in by the Atma. When shuddha Shukra and shuddha Shonita unite in a pure womb and a pure genital tract that is lying down. This will undoubtedly result in the formation of Garbha. This is similar to turning milk into curd after discarding its previous form with the addition of a few drops of curds. Thus the state of women bearing of garbha in garbhashaya (uterus) is termed as Sagarbhavastha. Minor ailments that occurs during sagarbhavastha is known as garbhopdrava, mentioned by Acharya Harita शोष हृल्लास च्छर्दिश्च शोफ ज्वरस्तथा$रूचि l अतीसारो विवर्णत्वं आदौ गर्भोपद्रव: स्मृत: ll [1] Considering above reference and other reference in samhitas, Prameha is not mentioned directly as Garbhopdrava. But now a days percentage of the ANC cases with prameha is found to be increased. According to modern science it is considered as gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Gestational diabetes mellitus is the term used to describe glucose intolerance that develops during pregnancy. Though the clinical presentation of GDM is well understood, the underlying mechanism remains unknown. GDM in pregnancy is currently one of the most serious pregnancy complications. Gestational diabetes mellitus in the mother can have a negative impact on intrauterine development. If left untreated spontaneous abortions and major congenital anomalies, excessive foetal growth, neonatal hypoglycaemia, and stillbirth may be induced. Here co-relation of predisposing factors of gestational diabetes mellitus & Hetus or cases of Prameha mentioned by ancient granthkaras are considered for current study.

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