ISSN : 2663-2187

Crafting Competitive Advantage: Strategies for Sustainable Growth

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Dr Pooja Singh Dr. Gaurav Gupta Mohd Aftab Narender Chinthamu Dr. Deepika Sharma Sandhya Tiwari
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si4.2024.183-193


In today's dynamic business environment, achieving sustainable growth requires more than just offering competitive products or services. It necessitates the strategic crafting of competitive advantages that differentiate a company from its rivals and resonate deeply with its target market. This paper explores various strategies for crafting competitive advantage that foster sustainable growth. Key themes include innovation, customer-centricity, operational excellence, strategic partnerships, and sustainability. By leveraging these strategies, businesses can not only enhance their market position but also build resilience against competitive pressures and economic uncertainties. The paper examines case studies and empirical evidence to illustrate the effectiveness of these strategies in diverse industry contexts, providing actionable insights for business leaders aiming to achieve long-term success.

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